Bones, Joints, Mobility

Bones, joints, mobility health concerns:

With injury or infection comes the natural reaction of inflammation. The affected area swells, reddens, becomes warm and tender, and may be painful. Any organ or tissue of the body, whether it be internal or external, can become inflamed. Bacterial infection often causes internal inflammation, but it can also be caused by disorders such as arthritis or allergies. Most often, injury is the cause of external inflammation, but it can also result from (or be exasperated by) infection, allergies, and other factors.

Pain in the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, or nerves, known as rheumatism, and often seen to include such disorders as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, bursitis, neuritis and sciatica. (Joint inflammation is more specifically known as arthritis.)  Mineral imbalances in the affected tissues define all of these conditions, with calcium status being a good indicator of mineralization in general.


  • Eat a diet composed of 75% raw foods, and drink plenty of herbal teas and juices.
  • Applying heat and/or ice (heat and cold therapies), taking painkillers along with a nutritional supplement for joint pain such as SynerG Supplements Marine Collagen, Whey or Vegan Protein and getting plenty of rest.
  • Another nutritional supplement that is very beneficial : Novisyn® Oral Hyluronic Acid naturally supports joint health.
  • Consume half of a fresh pineapple daily. It is one of the best remedies to reduce swelling and inflammation. Within two to six days, the pain and swelling should be reduced. No canned pineapple, only fresh is effective.
  • Avoid soft drinks, sugar, white flour products and, of course, junk foods.
  • Consider as well, the more traditional method for relieving inflammation:
    • Positioning the affected part properly (splinting if necessary).
    • If you do not have high blood pressure, consider between meals, using one teaspoon of  aluminum free sodium bicarbonate, with 4 ounces of water at room temperature and the juice of 1/2 a lemon.
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