
Energy Health Concerns:

Fatigue is often a warning sign of various health problems such as diabetes, candidiasis, anemia, hypoglycemia, cancer, allergies, malabsorption, hypothyroidism, poor circulation, adrenal stress and mononucleosis. A lack of energy causing a state of fatigue may be caused by boredom or depression. When there is persistent fatigue, not necessarily caused by any underlying health issue, it is usually the result of a poor diet, lifestyle, or habits, with the main combination being a high-fat and high-refined-carbohydrate diet and emotional stress. Our principal energy-robbers are: alcohol, caffeine, drugs, tobacco, stress, and incorrect eating habits.

Some recommendations:

  • If prone to be overweight, take some measures to return to a more normal weight. Try green tea capsules from SynerG Supplements Green Coffee Bean Extract and Whey or Vegan Protein shake to suppress appetite)
  • Add an energy supplement such as Herbs Etc ChlorOxygen, Vibrant Energy, Deep Health or Ultimate Ginseng.
  • Eating fresh fruits, raw vegetables, sprouts, grains, seeds and nuts. Try reducing red meat intake and eat more white fish. Sugar, alcohol, fats, caffeine, white flour, and high-processed foods are all energy-robbers.
  • Practicing regular exercise, and getting sufficient rest with the help of a herbal extract like Herbs Etc Deep Sleep
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