Children's health
Children’s health concerns:
Hyperactivity, also medically termed attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), primarily affects children. It is a disorder in the central nervous system of certain mechanisms that causes a variety of learning and behavior problems. Many factors are linked to hyperactivity such as heredity, smoking during pregnancy, oxygen deprivation at birth, environmental pollutants, artificial food additives, lead poisoning, allergies, and prenatal trauma. Foods containing preservatives, salicylates are known to contribute to this disorder. Children with a low protein diet may also be affected.
Studies have shown that food additives play a major role, although the topic has been the source of many debates. Possible signs characterizing hyperactivity include: lack of concentration; impatience – difficulty waiting; extreme distractibility; inability to complete tasks; difficulty solving problems or managing time; learning disabilities; the tendency to become frustrated quickly; self-destructive behavior; clumsiness; speech and hearing disorders;temper tantrums; low tolerance for stress; mood swings.
- Avoid refined sugar, as well as foods with artificial colourings, flavouring, or preservatives.
- Remove processed foods containing salicylates, including certain foods that contain it naturally, these include, almonds, apples, apricots, cherries, all berries, peaches, plums, prunes, tomatoes, cucumbers and oranges.
- Avoid the consumption of carbonated beverages. These contain large amounts of phosphates. Meat and fat also contain high amounts of phosphorus elements.
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