Leptin and Leptin Resistance: Everything You Need to Know with its Relation to Weight Loss

Leptin and Leptin Resistance: Everything You Need to Know with its Relation to Weight Loss


Today we address the role of leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells, in regulating body weight and its connection to obesity. Leptin is responsible for signaling the brain about the amount of fat stored in the body, thereby controlling appetite and calorie burning. However, leptin resistance can occur, where the brain fails to respond to the hormone’s signals. Leptin resistance is believed to be a major contributor to weight gain and obesity.

Leptin resistance occurs in individuals with obesity who have high levels of leptin due to their excess body fat. Despite elevated leptin levels, their brains do not receive the signal properly, leading to a perception of starvation and prompting behaviors that increase fat storage. Leptin resistance makes it challenging for people to limit food intake or increase exercise voluntarily.

Leptin resistance may hinder long-term weight loss, as losing fat reduces leptin levels and triggers hunger, increased appetite, reduced motivation for exercise, and decreased calorie burning. This phenomenon may explain why many people experience weight regain after initial weight loss.

Several factors contribute to leptin resistance, including inflammation, elevated free fatty acids, and high leptin levels. These factors are often associated with obesity, creating a vicious cycle of weight gain and increased resistance over time.

While reversing leptin resistance is not simple, certain strategies can be adopted. These include reducing diet-induced inflammation:

  • consuming soluble fiber to improve gut health; Psyllium
  • engaging in regular physical activity: gym, brisk walk, bicycle etc.
  • ensuring sufficient sleep: Melatonin, adaptive herbs
  • lowering triglycerides through reduced carbohydrate intake: Bread, rice, pasta, pastries
  • incorporating protein-rich foods into the diet: Eggs, fish, shellfish, chicken, turkey, beef, duck, lamb, organic tofu and tempeh, whey or vegan protein shakes

I wish to emphasize that obesity is not solely a result of personal choices or willpower but involves complex biological and social factors. The Western diet in particular, may be a potential driver of obesity.

In conclusion, understanding leptin and its role in regulating body weight is crucial for addressing obesity. While leptin resistance poses challenges, adopting a healthy lifestyle and making significant diet and lifestyle changes can potentially improve or reverse resistance and promote better overall health.

Here are the products on special to help with your weight loss:

Acetyl L-Carnitine



Ortho Sleep

Zen Theanine

RealEasy with PGX® Whey Meal Replacement, Vanilla flavour 

RealEasy with PGX® Vegan Meal Replacement, Vanilla flavour

To your good health!

Colombe Gauvin N.D.

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