How to Reset Your Health After the Holidays? Discover The Keys to Overall Well-Being

How to Reset Your Health After the Holidays? Discover The Keys to Overall Well-Being

Let’s start the new year with a renewal of our health, leaving behind the obsession with weight loss and focusing on overall well-being. Here are a series of strategies to achieve this:

  • Priority to Fruits and Vegetables: Aim for at least five servings, ½ cup per serving, per day (raw and cooked). Not only do they reduce the risk of chronic diseases, but they also promote a lasting feeling of satiety. Include a variety, such as berries and colourful green vegetables.
  • Fish, a Health Ally: A valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids, fish supports cardiovascular and mental health. Gradually incorporate it into your diet, starting with one meal per week, until it becomes a regular habit.
  • Daily Fiber: Fiber is essential for a healthy digestion and weight control. Increase your intake with a variety of vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
  • Protein Balancing: Distribute protein wisely at each meal for better absorption. Choose diverse sources like legumes, fish, eggs, or a protein shake.
  • Essential Hydration: Water is vital. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day, favouring pure and filtered water. Add cranberries, mint, ginger, or other flavours for variety.
  • Adoption of Plant Proteins: Incorporate alternatives such as tofu, tempeh, legumes, and seeds. They are beneficial for our health and the environment.
  • Benefits of Nuts: Consuming a small quantity of nuts daily provides significant cardiovascular benefits. Diversify the types for a full range of nutrients.
  • Reduce Sugar: Gradually reduce your sugar intake to break the cycle of dependency. Decrease the amount of muffins, pastries, cookies, and reduce the frequency of desserts per week.
  • Alcohol Moderation: Limit your alcohol consumption for better overall health. Even a small reduction can have a positive impact.
  • Healthy Relationship with Food: Identify the emotional triggers for your eating habits and seek alternative solutions to manage these feelings without resorting to food.
  • Embrace meditation: Take 5 minutes in a day with a focus on breathing or take 3 minutes and count backward from 100 to 1. These are simple ways to calm the nervous system.

By adopting these habits, we can improve our overall health and live a year full of energy and vitality, without solely focusing on the scale.

To your good health!

Colombe Gauvin N.D.

Colombe Gauvin ND.