The Importance of Vitamins for the Body
When questions are raised about which food classes are essential for the body, antioxydants, proteins, and fats are always given top priority. Why? Because it’s usually believed that getting energy from foods is the only thing that matters. Vitamins, on the other hand, hardly get a shot because more often than not, their usefulness to the proper functioning of the body is mostly unknown to people.
On a daily basis, your body produces muscles and bones. In addition, red blood cells are produced and they carry nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body. Nerve signals also travel far distances across the body, along various neural pathways delivering messages to the different body parts.
The key to avoiding vitamin deficiency
At the root of these bodily functions are vitamins which enable the processes to run seamlessly. Lots of people these days are deficient in certain types of vitamins, and this can be a serious health problem in the long term. The key to avoiding vitamin deficiency is maintaining a healthy diet, whether that means cooking your own food or relying on meal delivery services.
Another good alternative is using vitamin supplements, such as PhytoMulti from Metagenics, SONA Multi from Enerex, or Multigenics Intensive Care from Metagenics.
Vitamins are carbon-containing (organic) compounds that the body needs in small quantities to be able to carry out life functions. The body produces little or none of these vitamins, which is why they are primarily obtained from the food we eat, and sometimes through vitamin supplements.
The vitamins are thirteen in number, and include Vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9, and B12), C, D, E, and K. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of these vitamins to the body, as deficiencies in them can result in, but are not restricted to, the following;
- inflammation of the intestine
- anemia
- poor healing of wounds
- hair loss
- hallucination
- rickets
- softening of the bones; and
- unusual susceptibility to bleeding.