Question: “Hello everyone, today as part of our blenzymes-bag-with-spoonog, we are pleased to welcome Colombe Gauvin, Naturopath for the past 25 years, and founder of Syner G Supplements. Colombe is going to talk to us about digestive enzymes and their contribution to the body. So welcome Colombe, thank you for being here today. Can you describe to us what exactly are digestive enzymes?”

Colombe: “Hello thank you, yes of course, enzymes are proteins that play a key role in starting the digestive process . The enzymes are partly generated by our body, our mouth, our livers, our pancreas – and the rest of our digestive system will also produce them. Of course raw foods will also greatly contribute and the other way is through the use of dietary supplements.”

Question:What role in particular do they accomplish in our body?”

Colombe: “In reality enzymes act essentially like a knife. They take the food and cut it up so as to make it more easily assimilated by our body. Also, they help fight the invasion of microbes, viruses and bacteria. Enzymes are also important to allow the assimilation of nutrients in the digestive system, into the bloodstream and on to the other organs to keep us healthy. Most enzymes are produced by the pancreas and are released in the gastrointestinal tract.”

Question: “Why should we consume enzymes, and in the long run is there a need to take them?”

Colombe: “Good question! What I could answer to that – is that our body produces enzymes specific to the kind of food we eat. We are born with a bank of digestive enzymes. Perhaps it is those for the digestion of proteins that we are lacking. Proper digestion of proteins is important for muscle mass. Our heart is a muscle, our colon is a muscle, our lungs are muscles. So you understand the importance of digesting your proteins? If there is a deficiency of enzymes to digest proteins, there is therefore production of toxins, including oxyallique acid, ammonia and others. For someone it might be the lack of protein enzymes but for someone else it may be the enzymes for the digestion of gluten. So if there is a deficiency of digestive enzymes, obviously many discomforts will occur, including constipation, flatulence, bloating, acid re-flux, heartburn. Basically, the body is crying out a message to us, it’s really an indication that our digestion is slow and difficult.

In this case, we need to increase our portion of raw or non-denatured food, this will help our body to produce the necessary digestive enzymes. By the same token, the consumption of cooked foods and everyday stress creates a need to take enzyme supplements. We have about one hundred trillion cells in our body. These cells depend on our amount of enzymes for the production of energy, detoxification, to combat inflammation, as well as slowing down the aging process. It’s a fact that after the age of twenty, the enzymatic activity of our body has slowed down. So even though our bodies may be similar, they are not identical. Which means that yours may well digest without uncomfortable side-effects but your neighbor who is of the same age has serious problems with his digestion. The great advantage is that digestive enzyme supplements can be taken at any age. Their role is to correct nutritional deficiencies and allow you to enjoy your meals everyday.”

Question: “So both my 18 year old son and I can take them! I think I need them a little more than he does! Okay, so, what do you recommend as a supplement? There are so many out there on the market!”

Colombe: “Yes exactly! Syner G Supplements offer very effective Digestive Enzymes through their composition. They contain only natural elements including: Amylase, Lipase, Protease, Papain, Lactase, Gluten Protease, Betaine, Alpha Galactosidase, Magnesium, Zinc, Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

I really recommend two daily doses of enzymes before or during a meal, and you’ll see, you will have a feeling of well being, and an ease of digestion more than before. Not to mention the support that these enzymes bring to the different organs involved in the digestive process. Syner G Enzyme supplements will assist the enzymes that are naturally produced by the body. They are sold in capsule or powder form.”

Question: “Thank you, all this is really interesting! So Colombe what would you say in conclusion?”

Colombe: “Actually, I would have to say that enzymes play a key role in the proper functioning of our body. They support all the systems since they are the ones that allow the intake and absorption of various nutrients. I would emphasize that they are essential to live a healthy life. So it’s simple, when we feel one, or several discomforts, our body is telling us that it has failed with regard to the production of enzymes and therefore there is a need to support by taking supplements such as Syner G enzyme supplements.”

Question: “Well thank you very much Colombe and looking forward to talking to you in a future blog.”

Colombe: “It was a pleasure, thank you!”

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